


    Non-intrusive notification that appears temporarily on the screen to provide feedback or alert the user of an event.


    1. Leading Icon: Represents the type of toast (e.g., success, error, info).
    2. Title: The primary text that conveys the key message of the toast.
    3. Description: Additional text providing further context or details.
    4. Progress Bar: A visual indicator that defaults to a 3-second duration before the toast automatically dismisses.
    5. Optional Close Icon: A trailing icon that allows users to manually dismiss the toast.



    1. Success: Indicates a successful action, such as creating a new request or submitting a form.
    2. Warning: Alerts the user to take notice, often used for reminders or actions that require attention, such as reporting spam.
    3. Information: Provides additional details to keep the user informed.
    4. Error: Notifies the user of an error that requires resolution before proceeding.

    Close icon state


    1. Disable state: When dismissing the Toast, the Close Icon is in disabled state.
    2. Default state: During the default 3-second duration before the Toast is automatically dismissed, the Close Icon is enabled, allowing the user to manually dismiss it.

    Toast location

    The Toast appears after a user performs an action, indicating whether the outcome is a success, error, warning, or information.


    Desktop/Tablet: The Toast is fixed at the bottom right of the screen, with a 24px margin. It has a minimum width of 300px and a maximum width of 600px.

    Mobile: The Toast is centered at the bottom of the screen, with an 18px margin. It stretches to fit the screen width, with 18px margins on both sides.

    Toast with Progress Bar


    1. Upon successful scenario, toast is prompted with progress bar with 200ms ease in and out slide up animation. Loading bar starts and 100% width end at 0% within 3 seconds.
    2. The toast will automatically dismissed with 200ms ease in and out slide down animation after 3 seconds along with the progress bar.


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