

    Date field

    Allows users to input a date in a structured format using separate fields for day, month, and year.


    1. Leading Icon (Calendar): A calendar icon placed before the input fields, signalling that the input is for selecting or entering a date.
    2. Day (dd): 2-digits field limit from 1-31.
    3. Month (mm): 2-digits field limit from 1-12.
    4. Year (yyyy): 4-digits field for year.
    5. Separator ( / ): A visual separator between the day, month, and year fields to clearly define the input format (e.g., dd/mm/yyyy).
    6. Label Text: The text that labels the date field, indicating to the user what the field is for (e.g., "Date of Birth").
    7. Hint Text: Placed below the date field to show an error if the entered date does not follow the date field rules.

    Field highlight


    1. Day: Input field for typing in the day.
    2. Month: Input field for typing in the month.
    3. Year: Input field for typing in the year.


    Each size is designed to cater to different form needs, ensuring optimal readability and user experience.



    Date field can exist in several states, each providing visual cues to the user about its current status and interaction possibilities.


    1. Default: The initial state of the date field when it is ready for user input but not currently interacted with.
    2. Filled: Occurs when a user has entered numbers into the date field, indicating that the field contains input.
    3. Focused: The user clicks on or tabs into the date field, indicating that it is active and ready to receive input.
    4. Disabled: The date field is not available for user interaction, either due to current context or user permissions.


    Error state is triggered when the user clicks on or tabs into a date field that has an existing error condition.


    1. The date field has a red border to indicate an error.
    2. Date field with error remains highlighted when focused.

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