Character count
Tracks the number of characters in a text area, providing real-time feedback to help users stay within a set limit. It shows warnings near the limit and errors when exceeded.
- Text Area Input: The character count is added to the existing Text Area Input by displaying the character limit as a hint below the input field.
- Hint Under: The hint text below the input dynamically shows the remaining character count.
- Counter: The counter starts in descending order, showing the remaining characters (e.g., 200, 199...0).
- Default: Displays the remaining characters in descending order once user starts typing, such as “200 characters remaining”.
- Warning: When the user is close to the limit, change colour yellow, such as “10 characters left”.
- Error: If the user exceeds the limit, the counter shows negative numbers, such as “-100 characters over the limit”. User won’t be able to submit the form as character limit is part of validation.