


    Allows users to navigate through a large set of content divided into discrete pages



    1. Type 1: Ideal for contexts where users might want to jump to a specific page within a large number of pages.
    2. Type 2: Suitable for simpler navigation where users primarily move forward or backward.
    3. Type 3: Similar to Type 2, this type displays the current page and total pages on left and navigation buttons on far right.

    Previous & Next button


    Use Button Type=Secondary as button component. When button is disabled, remove box-shadow under the button.

    1. Default: An element appears when it is not being interacted with.
    2. Hover: An element appears when a user moves the mouse pointer over it.
    3. Focused: An element appears when it is selected or active, usually through keyboard navigation (TAB) or a mouse click.
    4. Previous button: Disabled when user is on 1st page. Enabled when user is on not on first page.
    5. Next button: Disabled when user is on the last page. Enabled when user is not on the last page.
    6. Disabled both buttons: When there is only 1 page.

    Pagination numbers


    Use Button Type=Tertiary as button component.

    1. Default
    2. Hover & Selected
    3. Default Focused
    4. Not interactive
    5. Focused & Selected

    On this page