

    Date picker

    Allows users to select a date from an interactive calendar.


    1. Date selection trigger button.
    2. Month and Year header.
    3. Previous and Next navigation.
    4. Day abbreviation.
    5. Date selection.

    Month and Year picker

    The basic function of fate picker is to allow use to pick a date easily. What if user wanted to select a date more than years into the past? Here is where the month and year picker comes in. It consist of 3 views:

    1. Day view - Show the day of the month
    2. Month view - Show the months of year
    3. Year view - Show a group of 18 years


    1. To navigate to Month view, click the {Month} header.
    2. To navigate to Year view, click the {YYYY} header.
    3. Click again on {Month} header OR {Mon} list to go back to Day view.
    4. Click again on {YYYY} header OR {YYYY} list to go back to Day view.


    Day view

    1. Go to previous (-1) month.
    2. Go to next (+1) month.

    Month view

    1. Go to previous (-1) year.
    2. Go to next (+1) year.

    Year view (Group by 18 years.)

    1. Scroll up and down throughout the years.



    1. English
    2. Malay

    Single date selection


    1. Using Button Type: Secondary default state when user can navigate to previous month.
    2. Using Button Type: Secondary disabled state when user cannot navigate forward. Typically when filtering data only up to latest date.
    3. Using Button Type: Tertiary disabled state when the date is from previous month. User can still select since it’s from previous month.
    4. Using Button Type: Tertiary default state indicating the date is ready to be selected.
    5. Using Button Type: Tertiary hover state when cursor move on the date.
    6. Using Button Type: Primary default state when a date is selected.
    7. Using Button Type: Tertiary disabled state when the date is not interactive. User cannot select date ahead of latest date.

    Range date selection


    1. Date selection trigger button (From & To).
    2. From date selection.
    3. To date selection.
    4. Range selection highlight.
    5. Date hover state in highlighted range. Use bg-primary-200 for highlighted colour.


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