


    Using MYDS should be as simple as any other component library


    Simply import the component & use it, like below!

    Basic Button
    import { Button } from "@govtechmy/myds-react/button";
    <Button variant="primary-fill" size="small" onClick={...}>
      Jana Pantun

    Make sure to refer each Component's API to find out what is available.


    MYDS components are built with composition in-mind. Composition offers customization at the lowest level, giving developers the highest level of freedom to implement their own logic on MYDS components.

    Take a look at some of the following examples below:

    A. Replace parent component

    This example demonstrates how to override props to apply designated classes or event listeners through asChild.

    Anchor masked as Button
    import { Button } from "@govtechmy/myds-react/button";
    import { Link } from "@govtechmy/myds-react/link";
    <Button variant="primary-ghost" size="small" asChild>
      <Link href="#composition">
        <span className="text-txt-primary">Scroll to title</span>

    As a result, the <Link> inherits the style of the <Button> component while still functioning as a <Link>!

    B. Override props

    This example demonstrates how a parent component can override the child component's props by acting like a wrapper.

    Button with Overidden Icon Props
    import { Button, ButtonIcon } from "@govtechmy/myds-react/button";
    import { ArrowForwardIcon } from "@govtechmy/myds-react/icon";
    <Button variant="primary-fill" size="small" onClick={...}>
      Jana Pantun
        <ArrowForward />

    In this case, the <ButtonIcon> component applies the necessary CSS to <ArrowForward /> icon to make it compliant with the <Button> component & the variant chosen.

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